Get instant gym access to both locations when you purchase a membership online or on our app! Tap or click on the membership below that you would like to select.

To get club access, download our app!

The link to download our app is at the bottom of this page. You will create your password in the sign-up process then your email address will be your username. The app allows members to access the clubs 24/7/365, book appointments, update billing information, view visit history, track workouts and much more. Press “Check in” when you’re in front of the door and it will unlock for you. Add another person to your membership for only $25/month by selecting Share Membership. They will need their email address on their profile in order to access the app. If you need help adding it, text the email address and name to 605-718-1348. Tanning is also available for members for an additional $17.24/member/month. Taxes included.